Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tips on How to Cope with the Heat

Stop Lebron!
First of all, I apologize to all NBA fans.  This is not an article regarding the defensive strategies of how to keep Lebron James and Dwayne Wade off the scoreboard.  The 2011 heatwave is upon us, and here are a few tips to keep yourself and your families cool.

It may not seem like much in some parts of the world, but 36 degrees Celsius is pretty darned hot to Canadians, and that is what weathermen are forecasting for Thursday.

For those without the luxury of air conditioning, or spend much of the time outdoors I have come up with a few ways to keep comfortable despite the humidity.

Mmmmmm, now I'm thirsty!
1.  Drink water and keep some nearby.  It may be tempting to grab a soft drink or a beer, but caffeine and alcohol actually promote dehydration.  Stay away!

2.  Exercise in the early morning or at night.  Just the thought of a mid-afternoon workout makes me feel exhausted.

3.  Don't use the stove/oven.  Why add extra heat to your home?  Salads and sandwiches will do just fine, thank you.

4.  Wear light coloured clothing.  Light colours reflect light and heat while darker colours attract it.

5.  Wear cotton and linen clothing.  Synthetic blends trap the heat inside and don't allow your clothing to breathe properly.

6.  Wear sunblock.  A sunburn heats up your body, so let's avoid it by wearing a sunscreen of at least SPF 30.

Thanks, Emma for the tip!
7.  Don't wear a hat!  Huh?  You might think this one is a strange entry on this list, however we lose most of our heat through the tops of our heads and by wearing a hat we trap the heat in.  That's why we wear toques in the wintertime.  Need to protect your eyes you say?  The best compromise:  the visor.

8.  Avoid mid-day showers.  The humidity from the shower will make your home feel even hotter than it is.

9.  Stay downstairs.  Heat rises.  Spending your time in the lower levels of your home or the basement can keep things naturally cool.

10.  Avoid big meals.  Eating large meals makes your body work super hard to break it down causing you to feel sluggish and uncomfortable.  More frequent, smaller meals is the answer.

11.  Eat spicy!  Yes, really!  Some of the hottest places on Earth (India, Central America) have some of the spiciest foods on the planet.  Spicy foods (which contain capsaicin) will cause you to sweat without raising your body temerature.  The sweat that it created will cool off your body.

12.  Find some AC.  Take the opportunity to shop in a mall, see a museum, or take in a movie.  There will be plenty of time to enjoy the sunshine when the heatwave subsides.

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